Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fresh Goodness

My body, soul and mind feel nurtured!  I have a lot of balance going on in my life.  I feel as though I am living the way I was always meant to live, just couldn't quite get it all balanced properly before!  One of the things I had been missing was to slow down in my day to day life and take time to cook delicious, quality foods that make me feel good (and I know what is put in them).
This is one (of the many) qualities I can appreciate in the "male friend" I have been spending time with.  We love getting fresh veggies, slicing them up, talking, preparing, cooking, then eating them.  I love slowing down, and in the process feel better!
Tonight my sis and a friend of mine spent the evening at the Leavenworth Farmers Market, hands down the best one in the area.  Lots of variety in produce, and I believe most if not all are organic.
I bought Jalapenos and basil for hummus I have been a mad hummus making machine lately!  Forgot  how easy it is!
Cal at the farmers market

From the backside, maybe a fourth of the vendors

My goods

Couldn't resist when I got home, had to cook up some Kale chips!


mary said...

Ok so how do you make Kale chips? I received kale in my Tiny's bag this past week and have no idea what to do with it. Looks like i'll also be headed to Leavenworth next week, how great that Farmer's Market looks.

Kristen said...

You are so inspiring! Will you share your hummus recipe on your blog?