Saturday, May 19, 2012

Living Adult Like

Do you ever wake up and wonder when you became an adult?  I have moments like that, and it makes me giddy that I am.  I like being in my thirties, feeling secure and confident in what I am doing.  I like owning my own house and business, and good lord I get to parent two kids!  This adult thing is ok.
I had such a busy week, I've been looking forward to Saturday and getting the chance to stay home and take care of things here. 
The kids are each having friends stay over (which I know they've been looking forward to), Luke had 4 buddies last night and Lo has a friend tonight.  I escaped early this morning for a run with a friend, got home made myself a pot of coffee (and promptly drank two big cups), breakfast for all and then the laundry started.  Most house things I don't mind....laundry bites!  Typically it's clothes on Friday and linens and towels on Saturday.  Next up mow the lawn (this on the other hand I love), weeded, tore out two more bushes, more garden.
Makes you realize not all days you have to be going and doing things to have a perfect day.  This has been such a wonderful, looked forward to day.  Now I get to sit back and admire all the hard work!

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