Friday, February 28, 2014

Scenes From a Ride

Most rides I love and get excited for, others I know are good for me to do so I do them. Joe Miller is one of the latter. Although it's a bit twofold, when doing just Joe Miller I often dread it, however if you add another four miles of climbing to the four already done and head up to the heights, the ride makes it into my top three favorites list. I don't mind the climbing, but at this time of year if you add the heights you have at least 8 miles of descending, and no matter what clothes I pack to put on at the top I end up getting so bitterly cold it nearly ruins the entire ride. For another month it's just Joe Miller and down Stemilt Creek.
There's a few reasons I am not fond of this, first it's a bit boring, as in not scenic going out on the hwy, lots of traffic and debri, once you get to Joe Miller, it's actually quite beautiful and the climb is one of my favorites around, but in the course of the ride, that part is rather short, so I don't do it all the time.
Today was breathtaking and I wish everyone could experience what I do and see on the bike. (Note: I froze on the decent).

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