Monday, April 21, 2014

Be Yourself

The only time I become a tea drinker is when I am sick. Actually it's more likely just a way for me to consume more honey, in any case I have been getting a slight chuckle out of my traditional medicines teas with their little sayings, today was Be Yourself.
It's liberating and freeing to be oneself. To feel you know yourself so well, and be comfortable in your own skin.
This was one of the things I loved first about Rick. He was confidant and comfortable with himself. I could see this instantly and such a relief it was. I had dealt with others insecurities, for far too many years. It was a breath of fresh air to meet someone that had spent years figuring it out, and had gotten to the point where there was no need to act like anyone other than who they really are.
My daughter, possesses this beautiful quality. She is so comfortable in her own skin, comfortable with her decisions, comfortable being just who she is. I hope she can always remain this way, because it is beautiful.
It wasn't until my thirties that I started embracing who I was. Perhaps this was because I didn't really start to figure it out until then.
I had an elderly man compliment me on how nice and thin my ankles were, well the Jenni of my twenties likely wouldn't have been able to accept this compliment and probably would've brushed it off by letting him know that my toes are a bit flawed, but instead I thanked him. I didn't go onto say that yes I have thin ankles, feet and fingers, and no matter my weight my collar bone always shows itself, all things I really like about myself. I just smiled at him for noticing, and me for acknowledging it.
I remember turning thirty, there was a bit of turmoil (to say the least) in my marriage, my kids were 11 and 6 and I remember thinking It was time to change. I figured out my priorities and what meant the most in my life and decided that is what would always come first. From there things just seemed to fall in place, my marriage (at the time) healed itself, I stopped stressing about the business as much and focusing more on the precious time with my children. We bought an old charming home in a wonderful location, I met what is now my best friends, I could honestly say I loved my life, all areas. I am friends with people that could care less what each other has, or drives, or buys. We appreciate our health and the surroundings of where we live. In this process I started to love myself. I am happy with the person I have become. I am comfortable with my decisions. I like my body. I have a small chest, one that in my twenties I didn't think was all that sexy, now I love it. I nursed two kids with these things and they are still perky. I never look top heavy in pictures, plus I can fit into kids and adult shirts because of them, so now I embrace this feature! I am one of those woman that is comfortable enough with myself and ability I have no problem riding or running alone. I love when my friends can join me, but I am not going to wait around and not go for a great ride because I'd have to ride alone, I embrace my quiet time out there instead. I no longer feel like I have to being going out, or to social engagements all the time. I am very comfortable saying no, so I can stay home. I like being surrounded by people I love and love me back, and I choose not to be around those that do not.
I like myself, and being myself I found Rick. My life is very good, it is good to be ME.


Kristen said...

This is so great! A lesson for me, for sure! I need to get over the fact that I have a large chest - ha! I always feel like I look top heavy - a feature that I inherited from my mom.

I've been meaning to ask you if you've ever shared how/why you became vegetarian. I've been cooking more and more veg. meals, but I've found that I seem to fill in the gaps with carbs, (bread, pastas) something that I don't really want to do either. Although I love getting protein from beans, my kids aren't quite as on board with this. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm thinking about becoming a vegetarian, but am hung up on the logistics of it all. Would love to hear your thoughts. ;)

Jenni said...

Kristen, it's called "sexy"! I have the "boyish" figure that well, at this point I embrace!

As for a vegetarian, I became one fourteen years ago. I have long been an animal lover, and grew up in a hunting household. As a kid I felt bad eating "animals" so as an adult I gave it a try when I went to training for United. I figured while I was away for six weeks at their center in the dorm atmosphere with cafeteria food I would do it, this would also help me stay away from the fatty foods. I never went back. Over the years its just gotten easier. I make a lot of meals with chicken and in my portion just don't put it. Lately its a lot of curry over rice, so I cook up peppers, onions carrots, broccoli and cauliflower and add chicken to the kids. Breads and pastas are a weakness of mine too, I have found the Paleo websites helpful with recipes, again I just don't add the meat but they have great cooking ideas!

Kristen said...

Thanks for sharing that, Jenni! I appreciate it :) I remember seeing that pic of you on IG as a little girl holding a gorgeous bird with the caption, "future vegetarian". Hilarious caption!

I've looked at Paleo stuff before and I'll dig a little deeper. :) I know it's very healthy.

Have a great day!