Monday, August 11, 2014

Trail vs. City

Most weekends are good, but some are just better than others. Last weekend was pretty great. I learned a few things abut myself, things I pretty much already new, but with a certain clarity I knew it for sure after this weekend.
1. My daughter is only 12, she doesn't need to go away to camp again for a while. I missed that girl something fierce.
2. With the above came the realization that I don't just have one person in my life that "makes" my world. Nor do I want to be somebody's sole source of happiness (that pressure was already put on me for too many years). My fiancé, my family, my friends and probably most importantly my kids are a cumulative group of my everything. They complete my world and without one or the other life would just not be as perfect. Having one person is great (better than none), but having all these people to love and love you back, now that is truly living.
3. Nature and the trails is truly where I belong. I love NYC (too many great things to name), but this weekend I took the kids to Seattle for the day to see Book of Mormon (that part was great), but I DO NOT like making the trip over there, I Do NOT like being there. I've always known this. I feel at ease in SF and NYC but that's it on the city front. I couldn't get back over the mountains out of the congestion of traffic and rude people fast enough. I used to "try" to like going over for a sporting events (opening of the Sonics games were pretty fun, but that's it) or even try to get excited to go shopping. It's not my thing, the arts are about the only thing that can drag me over now. I'm ok with that. The entire time all I could think about was when my ultra light sleeping pad and new pack were going to arrive and I could go head to the mountains and sleep in the peace and quite and wear my previous days dirty clothes and drink coffee with fresh air and the beauty around that humans have not ruined.
4. The Dixie Chicks are by far my favorite driving music. Belting out each and every song as though I was Natalie Maines is about the only way I can drive without getting tired.
Now weekend recap. My son and I ventured to Lake Valhalla. Because we had planned to hike something different but the trailhead was closed because of fires, I thought I would switch our normal hike up. We took the other entrance to the trail to get to Lake Valhalla, across from the Stevens Pass ski area is an entrance to the PCT, from there is it just under 6 miles to the lake. Fabulous trail, we loved it. My son was in shock he did a 12 mile hike, but also enjoyed it. I've said it before, but this place truly feels like my special place. There's a calm I can't describe that settles over me being there. A desire to be back soon, and stay longer. Peace.
Then Logan came home!! She did have fun, they kept her busy but I don't think she has a real desire to be away for a while. So incredible to have her home.
Last the Book of Mormon. That was fun. It wasn't any of our favorites out the Broadway shows we've seen, but it was very good. I thought Rock of Ages was a bit inappropriate (the musical not movie), this was more so for someone my daughters age. Fortunately a lot was over her head, yikes! Glad to mark that off my list of must see's!
Trail along the PCT and Lake Valhalla

Kaisers favorite place on earth
Blurry bits.

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