Monday, March 16, 2015

Call It What You May

I don't use the word perfect often, because lord knows I am far from it. Nor do I want my kids to feel they need to achieve perfection. It's subjective, to me they are just as they should be and I wouldn't change a thing. However right now, as in this very moment life feels pretty close to perfect. That's a tad scary to say, like jinxing yourself, waiting for the other shoe to fall. So we'll step it back a bit, it's darn near perfect in this moment (always leave room for improvement).
My son had his last High School Tolo, he has recently decided to stay here and go to the community college for the next two years. I am great with that, his Dads great with that and it has given my son some peace and taken some pressure off of him. I know he is bright and creative, I know he is unsure of how he wants to use his talents. I am proud of him for this decision.
Lo is happy and involved in school.
I have some pretty great relationship all around in my life. All that I love, value and cherish.
I could be a better business owner, but I'm kind of happy right where I am at! And well, our three dogs, one cat and now one rat are all doing quite well. Certainly may look chaotic, and who am I kidding in all likelyhood it is, but we are going with it and happy!

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