Sunday, June 7, 2015

Good Bye my Little Friend

Honoring Obie.
Sadly we had to put Obie down the night of Friday June 5th. We visited our vet on Thursday and a large mass was discovered in his abdomen. A mass that either needed to be removed immediately or would burst and kill him. After a long night of deliberating I spoke with the vet again Friday morning and decided to go with the surgery as long as it proved not to be too intrusive. He was fairly confidant based on the x-rays, but we went over all scenarios. With a teary good bye I dropped him off and hoped I'd see him soon, no sooner than I got home did I get a call. Based on what we had discussed earlier that morning, it was during the ultra sound they found it was far more extensive than first believed. The best option take him home, love on him and say good bye.
I picked up my wagging tailed basset hound, put him in the front seat (this is a never), went onto the park and decided we would live it up and break the rules. He got to be an off leash free basset. He smelled every tree and bush he could, jumped in the water and just wagged that tail.
When he was tired back into the front seat he went. Now this is funny and sad all at once, I had always hated driving with Obie because I put him in the back he cried so much, on this day putting him in the front seat he was absolutely perfect (of course making my heart ache more, wanting to give him more front seat car rides). Next stop McDonald's for a special ice cream treat and cheeseburger.
This was all a little exhausting for both of us, so one of our afternoon traditions, a quick power nap.
The hard part of knowing it would be his last day, was making it go slow. We only had several more hours together after a decade together. Logan came home from school early. My son's friends came to say good bye (again more tears for me). One of Obie's favorite things was when my son and his friends came home at lunch and he'd receive ample amounts of belly rubs. My friend stopped bye with a hug and flowers for me and a bone for him.
We made one last walk to Washington park so he could walk the perimeter, smell and pee. Only thing this time, we didn't rush him.
One last picture together.
Lots of saying I love you's
And lots of remembering our fun times not too long ago.
Obie, you were naughty. You'd steal anyone's food when you had the chance. You'd get into the pantry when we weren't looking. You would look at us outside, and run away. However, the good in you seemed to always out weigh the bad. You made us laugh all the time as a family, you were the constant conversation piece, you brought us together in so many ways, stopping our busy lives to just take it in and us all just laugh and marvel at what you've done now. Saying good bye was the hardest thing, selfishly I wanted more time. I wanted more of our good-nights, when off to bed we go, you wait to go to sleep until I've rubbed your belly and give you a goodnight kiss. I miss your snoring, I miss your excitement when you'd wake up each morning, I miss pretty much everything in my daily routine that included you, and it happens to be far more than I ever would have thought.
That drive to the vet Friday night was the hardest thing I have done, I tell myself and deep down, and know it was for the best. You had the perfect last day, you went out peacefully, but still my heart aches for more with you.
Farewell and Godspeed my little friend. You will forever remain in our hearts and of course our stories.


kristen said...

This seriously made me cry!! What a sweet sweet puppy he is and what an AWESOME Basset mom you are. I'm so sorry about his loss. {{hugs}} to you all.

Jenni said...

Thank you Kristen!

Unknown said...

Well...I am bawling. That was a pretty amazing last day! I know he knew you loved him. It's so hard to say goodbye. I have been thinking of you!

Unknown said...
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