Saturday, March 5, 2016

75% Raw

If you read my last post, I'm trying to eat at least a 75% raw diet. Going to the yoga retreat was a little like going to a really awesome fat camp. I ate delicious foods three times a day, worked out and lost 6lbs. My weight is relatively stable, here and there I fluctuate a few pounds, but unless I am super stressed I stay the same (I lose weight with stress). However I personally feel better about 5lbs lighter. I run faster, my clothes feel better, I'm more comfortable and confident.

Let's just say it's WAY easier when someone is cooking for you. I'm gone with Lo this weekend for dance competition, meaning a hotel and no kitchen. Before leaving, I packed a load of cut up veggies and a huge assortment of fruit. By 7 o'clock tonight I was starving! Had I not been working up until I left (yet another obstacle in Raw food prepping), I should've prepared a few raw meals, not just snacks. I haven't caved to the processed food yet, but could get seriously hangry by tomorrow! Plus side is I am drinking a lot more water than usual, I know that has to be good for me.......


kristen said...

Love this! I'm always so intrigued by a raw diet. It sounds amazing. How are you planning on getting your protein? That is the only way I stay full for longer period of time.

Jenni said...

Kristen, that other 25% will be eggs and grains! I had zero protein yesterday and was ridiculously hungry!!!!