Sunday, September 18, 2011

1 week

This is my loyal, faithful and totally reliable training partner.  He's gotten up at 4:30am with me on the weekdays to do speed work, tempo and recovery runs. Every weekend he has been my long run companion.   The longest being 22 miles.  I feel he kind of gets shorted by not actually getting to run the marathon!

I did one other marathon 2 years ago.  I was injured the entire time, if it wasn't for the girls trip to San Fransisco I probably wouldn't have done it.
Signing up and training for this  has been totally different and for different reasons.
I did the half marathon at Pacific Crest in June with my dear friend Katie before she went off to PA school.   In so many ways she has inspired me.  Training with her we would only meet up once a week to run together, but in that time I realized how nice having a goal, and setting aside time to accomplish this was. 
I am a single Mom, I work full time,  run a business, and take care of a large very old home.  I wouldn't change any of that, but I knew I still had wounds to heal.  Training for a marathon seemed like the perfect opportunity to take time out of my busy schedule and meditate, while doing something  good for my body.   I decided early on in order to avoid injury I wouldn't run my training runs with others (I love my friends and I love running with them, but I have some VERY fast friends, and it pushes me beyond sometimes to the point where I fatigue, my form gets sloppy I over compensate something or another and get injured).  I have never been one to listen to music, so no music, just me, my dog and my thoughts.
It has been a wonderful  and healing experience.  Wish me luck on the actual race!


Kristen said...

wishing you luck! love your sweet pooch - i grew up with german shepherds, they are wonderful!

Jenni said...

thanks Kristen! He is a sweet fella!