Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Very Good Day

The journey of the marathon is over, and it is oh so symbolic of this last year too.  I crossed the line and  closed the door to the last year of stress, sadness, anger.  The last 7 miles my dear friend Jenn joined in and ran with me, she had been waiting with Rick at the spectator point at mile 19.5 (which seeing them was the GREATEST),  we talked a bit about life and how both hers and mine took turns we never would've imagined.  As mother's our children are our world, and while we will never forgive the other person for dividing our  precious time with our children up, our lives are more fullfilled than ever.  We have people in our life that enrich our every day.  As I crossed the line they were all there waiting and cheering me on, I couldn't help but be excited that this is my life, and these are the people I get to share my life with!

Finished in 3:46 (average 8:39 minute mile).  I am waving, not dancing in this pic!

Huge thanks to this time I will wipe the salt from my face and put my hat back on BEFORE a picture

Thanks to my sis and her family too, her kids are possibly the best support crew!

My friend Lily ran her first marathon, in fact she just started running this year, in 4:09!

Ok, so and even thank you to Lars, for the race strategy last week.  He raced this course last year, and gave me the go out and kill it talk!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jenni - you stud! Way to go. :)