Sunday, February 12, 2012

Double Digits

Logan Bella turned double digits today!  She was so excited to have a birthday weekend.  The party started Friday, carried on Saturday with Cal's party, then a full day of festivities Sunday.  The day was hers for the taking.  She wanted to go to breakfast at the Wild Huckleberry, then stay home the rest of the day until the family party (yep she's a homebody and this was her wish), then off to Red Robin to celebrate both she and Cal (who's 4th birthday was on the 11th), and back to the house for more cake!
What she wanted most this year was a camera.  She is now the proud owner of a new Nikon Coolpix 14mp.  Along with that, she will now be blogging on Tuesdays!  Its been fun to see what she's taken, to she her view of life.

To my birthday girl,

I just wanted to say I love and am so proud of you all the time.  You are the most amazing, and thoughtful girl a Mom could ask for.  I am the one that feels truly lucky, that you are my daughter.  You and your brother are the greatest gifts I could ask for.   10 years ago, my life was complete because you came into it.  I love each and everyone of our moments together, all the time in the world doesn't feel like enough time with you.  I remember being so sad when you first moved out of your infant car seat, then onto kindergarten, sad because the time goes by too quickly, but at the same time I have loved seeing you transform in to this wonderful, beautiful girl.  This journey of life has great things in store for you!  I love you you Logan Bella

Morning breakfast with her brother

Celebrating with the other guest of honor

Making wishes (notice the headband in the last 2 photos, Rick's sister made this for her, she loves it, and it was worn ALL day, thanks Sharon!)


mary said...

Happy Birthday to Logan, and I have to say she has the best sense of style ever! Can't wait to see life from her point of view :)

kathleen c said...

I agree with Mary - that Logan has always had quite the style!! I look forward to seeing what she accomplishes with her camera! Cute headband!!