Thursday, July 25, 2013


A little Bella update.  This girl reminds me so much of myself at her age.  She sets a goal, comes up with a plan and see's it through.  Right now she wants an IPod touch (before we head to Bend), she is working and soliciting work (and donations)!  She's come in every morning this summer to work with me,  Monday's along with setting everything out she count all coupons, on Wednesday she comes from her Dad's at 7am but doesn't want to miss out on work so I usually bring dry goods that I store in my garage to be stocked for her to unload and organize, she is awesome.  Can't wait until she actually gets to work the stand!  She picked up Rick's fallen apricots, fed neighbor dogs, yesterday she offered to walk Obie and while doing so landed another dog feeding job.  She currently has $170 of the $250 she needs.  I am so proud of her, and her work ethic, this girl really is a dream child!

Update #2:  After three weeks of 6 hour practices in the park each day,  this week is performance week of Much Ado About Nothing.   It's been a great experience, she's exhausted and maybe a little burnt out, but I think all in all she's really liked it.  It's a fun play, all the kids did just wonderful, truly impressed with the young thespians!
My beautiful little children (that are growing up so fast)

In a Nickel scene from Romeo and Juliet, we have Mercutio and Tybalt here!

I have to say I have mastered getting Lo's super thick hair into a secure bun after this week too!

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