Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 12

I am grateful that some days mind over matter is stronger. After hours of work this am with no food, drink or potty break (the worst is no time for coffee) I got home and was physically exhausted. Had planned to run, but tried to talk myself out of it. When this happens I sometimes compromise with myself. I knew if I got out and ran I'd feel more energized for the rest of the day. A twenty minute power nap then I needed to get my arse running.
Ran the roads since my dog is not feeling well, opted for a hill climb, enroute to the hill I passed the HS track, and decided to do 8x400, then carried on with the rest of my run. Weather was perfect, 7.5 miles later I was awake and recharged! I knew this is how I'd feel, it just took a little self motivation to make myself go. Thankful for that run today.

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