Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I rarely do a race recap, for me there's usually not much to recap. I typically go out, fairly prepared, well hydrated, and with a breakfast of rice and scrambled egg whites. I run, ride or swim to the best of my ability, usually fairly satisfied with my effort and always having fun.
Well this past weekend I ran the Red Devil Challenge 10k, a race I've always wanted to do but a conflict in schedule hasn't allowed. This year I was in luck. I debated between the 25k and the 10k, a week before I opted for the 10k, slightly disappointed in myself for not just going for the longer one.
The 10k course was changed for the third year in a row (my understanding is people like last years course better), this year it was an out and back with a 1200 ft gain in elevation, the first 3.1 miles. I grossly underestimated this part! "Typically" if I am signed up to do a race I take a rest day two days before the run/ride and the day before do either an hour or two ride or 30-40 minute run. Well the weather was fabulous last week, so the slightly irrational side of me told myself "it's 6.2 miles, no worries, you'll be fine". So I took advantage of the nice weather. I rode three days clocking 137 miles on the bike, lifted, swam and ran 24 miles that week, loving every minute of it. On Friday before the race (race was Sunday) I decided to take care of some employee health issues at the hospital and got two vaccinations. I woke up Saturday with a splitting headache, and serious case of nausea, I failed to take their advice and drink plenty of fluids because I felt so sick. The night before the race I made my rice only to realize on race morning I had forgotten to put it in the refrigerator, so opted for a banana and a 1/4 cup of granola instead of my usual eggs and rice. Took a few Ibuprofen in hopes my headache would subside. Again failing to hydrate properly because the nausea seemed to be setting in. Was still looking forward to the run, met my friends and off on the shuttle we went. I have no idea if it was the nausea or the bus, but by the time I got off the bus, I was not feeling to hot. I had my hand water (10oz) I typically carry on short trail runs with me so I started sipping on that in hopes of feeling better, well I drank it all before the start. We line up (I realize now that I am hungry and have brought nothing) However I am excited to start, temperatures are warm but nice, it's gorgeous up there and I haven't seen any signs of snakes (we're good to go)! First half mile was switch backs, I love switch backs and a little stream crossing (fun), all was going ok, we hit the dirt road and shortly after a mile I realize I am not doing to well, my ears are ringing and I feel like I am going to throw up at any moment. It's at this point I decided, "ok today's is NOT your day, AND it's your fault" so at this moment it became a "alright we're just going to slow down, NOT lose your cookies and enjoy". I can't say I enjoyed much of the going up (this by the way is NOT normal for me, I am a hill runner, I love it), it became a run/walk and I was more than ok. I was keeping myself occupied thinking about the gal that kept alternating places with me, I always see her running with a double stroller, and thought perhaps that's what I should train with! I was watching another friends really long legs, "thinking wow those are nice legs"....you get the idea, I was losing my sh*t out there. I get to the turn, HALF WAY, and hauled a&$ down the hill, I was so excited to be GOING down. The first time this entire race I passed people, well I hit that last half mile of switchbacks, I crossed the stream and I hit a walk (likely smacked right into it), heard the stroller gal behind me, which would typically be the time I pick up my pace and push myself, instead I did something I have never done, I stepped off the trail and stopped until she had passed and then carried on. Saw Rick and Jake on their Mtn bikes close to the end, was SO happy to see them, I stopped (thinking it was the end, despite a lack of a finish line), Joel kindly told me the end was "that way" so I went. I was parched drank two glasses of water then found my way to the cooler and drank (guzzled is more like it) a PBR, thought that was likely the best beer I had ever had.
Lesson, hydrate before, give your body a rest here and there. However I still had a blast, hope to do it again next year feeling better. Loved the before loved the people that participated, and had a wonderful time after with everyone at the post run party! Here's the link to the article on this race http://www.runwenatchee.com/category/trail-running-2/
This man holds my heart
These gals were amazing! A little shout out to my friend Mari, this gal is amazing! She works a full time Monday-Friday job, is a Mom and kicks some serious butt running! (Also this was literally couple minutes after crossing the real finish line, the two in the middle had had time to catch their breath)
This is me coming back to my senses with Sarah and our PBR's. I miss seeing her at the hospital, but since she's at CVCH I sometimes see her running in the neighborhood! Her sister did the 25k, at this point I was thinking that sounded crazy!

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