Sunday, June 29, 2014


I enjoy quiet time to myself, hearing myself breath, sorting my thoughts with no interruptions. As a mom the only time this happens is when I rise just before, or as the sun rises.
At home in the summer, the kids are home everyday, so before work I get up and run, just my dog and I (once in a while with my friend, but she has a four legged friend that needs to get out too).
I'm currently on vacation in one of my favorite places, Bend, Oregon. The guys spend the afternoon mountain biking, and I spend that time with my little miss. Before my day (or anyone else's in the house) starts I roll out of bed, throw my running clothes on and hit the trail just outside this house. This ritual/routine brings me so much peace. I am naturally an early riser. I love seeing the sun rise, I love the trails being relatively empty, I love not interrupting my families day and plans by being available to them the entire rest of the day. It's gorgeous here, so much so I ran 10 miles yesterday, because I just wanted to see what was around, the next corner. It's territory I only get to explore twice a year and I don't want to miss a thing. The only to thing I am missing is my loyal four legged running partner that would love starting his day this way as well.
A few images from my morning,  and why I go early.

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