Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I'm blogging this fresh off a riding in the wind high.  My thoughts are so fresh and clear when I bike.  When it's a day like today, the wind gusting and could've easily persuaded me to do something else, but I didn't let it.  Instead I pulled out of my driveway and smack dab into a head wind, and rode strong!
I felt empowered and strong, somewhat of a metaphor to place I have arrived at in my life.  I thought about the journey while on my ride.  I lost a lot of myself in my previous relationship.  I didn't use to ride as long or as far, because I didn't know how to change a flat or fix my chain.   I didn't even bother to learn, which was not the type of woman I wanted to be.  Now I do, it empowers me to go out on my own.  I am confident if something does happen I can fix it (granted I do have a knight in shining armor that would likely rescue me too), I am a woman cyclist.  A much better cyclist than I was 2 years ago, and I attribute that largely to the confidence I have gained in myself.

In a few weeks it will have been two years since my ex and I cut off all emotional (for me) and physical ties.  This was the moment I started to gain my independence and move forward in all areas of my life. I had found myself in such a grey area of him being my clutch.   Not in a healthy way what so ever, but all I had known for so long. Even though he had left months before, it had prevented me from moving forward, and kept me in an emotional whirlwind.
On the bike today I thought, I am proud of who I have become, as a mother, business owner, friend, athlete, and now girlfriend.  I am empowered by all that I have learned and embraced.  I got done with my ride today and just thought "I've got this", life in so many ways is so good.  It WAS NOT easy to get here, but I do believe it is well deserved, and I can say that now!  Cheers!

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