Sunday, March 11, 2012

T.v or no T.v

I made the choice when Luke was born to raise my kids without  cable television.  I wanted to be able to control what they watched as well as how much time would be spent in front of the tv.
When Lars peaced out a year and half ago, I entertained the idea of getting t.v.  I thought it might be a nice distraction.  But I realized we've adjusted our lives so well to no television, we don't need it.  I buy old TV series for Lo to watch, her favorite being  Gilmore Girls, it's fun to sit down and watch these with her.  Every once in a while we Hulu House Hunters and watch it in bed on the computer, which is exactly why cable would be dangerous for me, I could watch that show all day!
Having kids 5 years apart there's a huge difference in the content matter one can watch that the other shouldn't.  I don't always approve of what my little one watches at her Dad's apartment, but at least when they are with me if we sit down to watch a show, it is suitable for Lo, but still fun for Luke to see. 
Last week at the coffee stand we had a trivia "What was E.T's job?"  after much discussion at our house we decided we needed to watch it (one of my favorite childhood movies).  We did opt to watch it at Rick's, where he has a big comfy couch and a big TV (my house isn't even set up to sit and watch anything comfortably)!  Forgot how good it was!  Such a fun Friday evening!
And by the way E.T. was a botanist!


kathleen c said...

I told Jake your trivia question and he didn't get it either!! Tough one! But it made me want to watch ET again too.

Jenni said...

If you need it KC I own it!