Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Battle of 5

My friend recently posted on Fb about her 5lb fluctuation in weight.  My friends and I, we discuss this quite often.  We're in our 30's and 40's, all of us are pretty much the same size.  Close in height and weight and we ALL fluctuate, 3-5lbs.....but are OK with it.  A friend at the hospital saw her post and said "it's nice to know she goes through the same as all of us".
I think the beauty of where we are in life is, we're comfortable with it.  We know ours bodies well, and know this happens  Because we exercise regularly and eat relatively healthy our bodies bounce back.  A month ago I was 4 pounds over my normal weight for several weeks, now I am 5 lbs many things factor into it. When it's that time of the month I look like I could be pregnant, and a week later my pants are falling off.  Thing is I rather like my body and who I am.

It's like so many things.  As you age and make choices about your life, there's a calm that settles in.  I felt this way a few years ago when my ex and I made the decision to not have any more kids and he had the "little procedure" (yes I say little, because compared to 9 months of pregnancy and labor it really is little).  To me it was no more wondering if I would or wouldn't be doing all this again.  Instead it allowed me to eliminate that thought and fully embrace my life as is.  I feel that way about my body now too.  I do work out, because I like how I feel.  I am at a point with older kids my schedule allows for it.  Where I used to be uncomfortable in clothes and feel the need to look a certain way, I don't anymore.  I like the way I look, and I wear clothes that I feel good in, that suite my style, not everyone else's or what is trendy.

I guess the whole point of this post is, I am learning in life, there are more, much more important things than 5lbs, that  always seem to leave.  Yep they annoy me and inconvenience me a tad for a bit, but they don't last.  I work at the hospital, and compared to some folks in there, I will be grateful to my healthy, abled body! 

I am approaching my 35th birthday in a couple of weeks, and looking forward to it!  Cheers to being comfortable in our own skin!


Kristen said...

Have I told you how inspiring you are?? :) Very! Here's to being happy in our own skin!

Jenni said...

Thank you Kristen...!