Tuesday, April 23, 2013

She Did It!

Lo completed the Foothills Hiking Challenge.  I am so proud of her, and her decision to do this.  She came home from school a couple of weeks ago with the card and said she wanted to do this.  I looked over our schedule and we picked the days we could do what hikes, and there she went.  The only one I don't have a current photo of is Saddlerock, she actually went on that with her school last Wednesday!
Way to go Lo, super super proud of you!

Jacobson Preserve

Sage Hills

Horse Lake Reserve

Horse Lake Reserve

Dry Gulch

All of the trails are VERY do able for all ages.  They're really more of a nature walk than an actual hike, with the exception of the incline of Saddlerock.  With Lo we "hike", but on my own Horse Lake, and Sage are exceptional trails to run!  If you take your dogs, (and I guess this goes for kids too) the ticks are out, so if the dog or kids wonder off the trail, do a tick check.  Snakes have also been spotted with the warmer temps...
According to Lo:  Her favorite is Sage Hills, Easiest is Jacobson , Hardest, Horse Lake (pretty sure this is because it was the longest at 5 miles), Least Favorite, was Dry Gulch, she said it just wasn't as pretty as the others.
And she's super concerned about the erosion of Saddlerock, so stay on the trail and avoid it if it's muddy!

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