Monday, April 20, 2015


Two years ago Kaisers back end started giving out. X-rays showed pretty bad arthritis, rather unfortunate for a dog of 6 1/2 . I've know my running buddy has been on borrowed time, but each new season hope for the best. Last year he made it to both Valhalla and Minotaur with us ( his favorite hikes), but these last few weeks haven't been kind to him. He's requiring more of his rimadyl and Tramadol. I took him out early this am, with the plan to let him gauge how far we go, we made it a mile before his legs were failing him, we did a slow walk/run back. This is when it dawned on me, this may be harder for me to accept. I started running in 2008, and so did he. As long as I've run, I've had him. He's trained for two marathons with me (last years he was in on the shorter runs), been my sunrise and trail buddy. I have loved these last seven years of learning this new sport with him. Days when it's gloomy and I'm tired from work, he's been my motivation. Breaks my heart a bit to thi of going out with out him.
My pack

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