Saturday, January 7, 2017

New Years Resolutions

I don't really do them. Let's face it, every year I should probably lose 5lbs, eat less sugar, drink more water. Instead each year I set a goal as a family what we can do to not only better our lives but hopefully make a small impact for future generations. This year we are saying NO to plastics, as best we can. I've been gradually switching out plastic containers in the house for glass ones, my goal by the end off this year is to have no more plastic containers. My daughter is a fan of the reusable plastic Starbucks drink cups, so those will remain because at least it's reusing. Bike bottles will also remain plastic for the obvious reasons but will make the switch to all BPA free. We are ok right now about bringing our reusable shopping bags, but this is an area I know we can improve.

These are habits and practices that have long been in place in other countries, in the United States we just choose convenience. Cheers to a better us in 2017!