Friday, August 6, 2010

Lo's first concert!

Logan loves music and dancing, so I've been wanting to take her to a concert for sometime.  I just can't stomach the thought of Miley Cyrus, so when the Backstreet Boys were rolling into Wenatchee August 4th...perfect.  Keep in  mind, I was about 10 years too old when they came out and were big, Lo didn't know who they were.  We spent several days ahead of time listening to I tunes to get ready for the big day.
My good friend Jenn was such a good sport.  She celebrated her 37th birthday with us at BackStreet Boys
All in all we had a really great night!  They were very entertaining...brought me back to the days of Boyz to Men  and New Kids on the Block!


Becky said...

NKOTB? Awesome!

FYI - Sara and I witnessed the best mullet in front of your coffee stand yesterday morning. It was a good start to the day!

Jenni said...

Dang! We need to have some secrett mullet code!

kathleen c said...

Glad you guys had fun! It's never to early to fall in love with musics and concerts.

I have to admit that I learned more about the Backstreet Boys in the two months of radio advertising than I ever did their entire career. :D