Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Move one is complete. Ok so it was complete almost three weeks ago. I've moved my fair share over the last 20 years. This was by far the most difficult. Reason being, this was the first time it was just me moving my house. I've always had a partner to help pack up and sort through "our" stuff and the kids stuff. This time it was me, and I would be moving into someone else's house. Meaning a good portion of my stuff needed to go. When you go through a divorce and you're the one to stay in the house, you find you get left with a lot of the unwanted garbage to now dispose of. Don't get me wrong, the cleaning out was so nice. However I am now in the interim house. We list Ricks next week. I also completely underestimated how many projects were still left in his house to get ready to sell. It's been overwhelming.
I was sad leading up to moving, day of though,I was just exhausted.

Seeing the house empty reminded my of the excitement, promises and potentials it brought the day I moved into it. I truly loved that house.
The first week being in my new neighborhood I felt homesick. I loved my old neighborhood and downtown living. I loved the people in the 'hood.
"Up" here (2.5 miles west to the foothills), felt out of touch. Granted it's only 2.5 miles, but I use to be within a (flat) mile radius from work, the grocery stores, both kids schools, the park, the library, and all the downtown restaurants. I loved walking or riding my bike to all these things. It certainly is not impossible now, just less convenient. People around have been less friendly, and far more picky. Even the garbage has to be in the receptacle a certain way, the 'hood people were just happy you threw it in the garbage!
For all the semi "hardships" there is far more positives. They lie not in the possessions or structures but in human relationships. I had forgot what it's like to live with the person you love, I forgot how nice it is to go to bed and have conversations with that person at night. I forgot how wonderful it is for my daughter to wake up and have breakfast with that person while I am at work. I forgot how nice it is to cook dinner and eat together every evening, to walk the dogs each night, for goodness sake to divide the household cleaning.
Three weeks in, I've got new runs and rides established (always finishing with a ridiculous hill I tell myself is for my own good). I enjoy the quiet, I'm meeting a few more neighbors, and I am living with and raising my daughter with the man I love. I'd call this a good transition.

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