Monday, September 27, 2010

Lars epic year!

So we will start off by doing a little recap of Lars year!  He started off the year with biking to the top of the Haleakala, from sea level to 10,000 feet.  A ride that in the first 5 miles driving up as their support crew I was envious and wanted to be out there, but by mile 6 decided the car was the best place for me.
April 17 he did the Wenatchee Duathlon, ran 3.1 miles, biked 17 miles, and then finished with another 3.1.
May 15 he did his first ever bike race, this was a grueling event, Saturday morning a 9 miles TT, Saturday night and Hour Criterium, and Sunday morning for the finish a 60 mile road race!  He finished in the top 10!
May 23rd a 75 mile Alefest Ride!
May 29th the Mazama 10k fun run...I can't remember his time but it was crazy fast!
June he and Luke rocked the Moses Lake Family tri!
July he did the 1/2 Marathon in Chelan was high 80's he finished in 1hour 35 minutes, 2nd in his age group!

And now this 9/26 he did his first ever marathon, the Winthrop Marathon, finished in 3 hours 13 minutes, qualifying for the Boston Marathon.  He was surprised, but we knew he could do it!

Coming in for the finish

Great job Lars!

Pretty proud of these gals too!  Jenn ran her first marathon and Steph had a PR by over 25 minutes!

We felt like we ran to and had to stop at Cinnamon Twisp Bakery Yum!

1 comment:

Sara D. said...

Wow! That is awesome. I guess going to Vegas right before a marathon really does the trick!