Sunday, April 3, 2011

Love is all you Need!

This is just a quick blog entry to let you all know that I am on my own and doing ok!  This last month has brought a great deal of peace to me. 

I am on my own pretty much for the first time ever.  I have always considered myself an independent person, or at least an independent thinker....truth is I never really lived on my own, possibly never really knew 100% who I was.  Living with someone for 15 years,  I've learned to be patient, supportive, to compromise when needed and forgiving.  I wouldn't change it.  But the realizations I've had this month have awoken me to what my life is about.   I  realized  I have two kids that bless me beyond words, I have a loving and supportive family, and some of the most amazing and loving friends a girl could ask for.  I feel so loved!  Being wrapped up in wanting love from 1 person I don't know that I allowed myself to feel all the love that already surrounded me, but I do now.
One day perhaps a man will come into my life and I will have that relationship again, but I am happy and content with my life right where it is right now!

1 comment:

West Coast Scribe said...

Just catching up on your blog. Thinking of you and sending you supportive vibes from here. You are such a strong and courageous woman.
All the best,