Saturday, July 4, 2015


Pardon my once again hiatus, so much to blog, so little time. In a span of three weeks, we had Lo's dance recital, I put my dog down suddenly, my son's high school graduation and party and then I sold my house. I'm probably at my max capacity.
So graduation. It has come and gone. It was pretty amazing. As a parent this is kind of a defining moment in your role as a parent. For eighteen years you have been raising your child, preparing them the best you can to enter a world on their own. To be caring, compassionate, and competent adults. One day they are in school and the very next they are by definition adults. Everyone said I'd be sad, but I wasn't (maybe I was too sad about my dog the day before to be sad on graduation). I was just so proud, happy, and very excited for my son. I enjoyed high school, but it was after that I truly felt like I was living. Making my lifelong friends, seeing the world, getting to choose what career path I wanted to take. This just all represents such an exciting time for him. He's decided to stay here for the next two years, he also received a renewable scholarship from the Keep It In the Valley. Perhaps that's another reason it wasn't sad, I'm happy he'll be here.
Huge thanks to our families. Lars dad came out which was so great to see him again, Ricks mom was a HUGE help to me chopping veggies and setting up at the party, plus it meant a lot to have her at graduation. My parents, sister, and Oma, Lars parents and sister, all were there to support him. Thank you to ALL of you. We've all been in this journey together to get him here!
Proud of you my little man!

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