Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Renewed Energy, Renewed Blog (hopefully)

I spent a couple hours the other night feeling inspired and started working on a new website.  It was quite fancy.  Then the reality struck, I am not a fancy person.  It had way to many bells and whistles it felt like things would get lost.  I'm more of a straight to the point kind of gal. 
So with some renewed creative energy, I plan to blog.  However I want to blog and share photos like I did in  the past, but I got lazy and was blogging off my ipad using Blogsy.  Blogsy is no more, and through blogger I still can't upload photos.  Which means I need to organize my dang photos on the external hard-drive.  Sadly the last iPhone dump I did was beginning of 2017.  Soon, very soon!  Keep checking back, and as always if you don't want to read what I have to say, you have a choice not to.  The beauty of the blog!

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