Monday, August 15, 2011


I am busy and happily living my life, and it's a very good feeling!   Summer is winding down, the kids are getting ready to go back to school.  I have mixed feelings about this, I love summers, and LOVE when they are home.  This summer was a little different, in the years past I have worked 3 weekdays and a weekend, and was able to be home so much more with them.  This summer, as a single parent I needed to work full time, Monday-Friday it was.  While I feel very fortunate to have that opportunity I sure missed the lazy summer living we usually have.

Luke enters High School this year and he is super excited, which I will say eases the anxiety I feel about it.  Everyday he is physically more and more  "man like".  While we were in Chicago, he was standing in front of me and his legs looked so manly...I burst into tears, it was a mix of tears and laughter (over the fact that I was actually crying over my son's man legs)!

My little Lilo will be in 4th, and she's just down right awesome!  Nothing much new with her.  She plans to do Broadway at one of the dance studios this fall, which will be so fun!

Me, I am in full marathon training mode.  I will say I have absolutely loved it this year.  For the last month I have been doing 18-20 mile long runs on the weekend.  I take my dog,  it's quite and we run.  I solve the worlds problems, it seems in those few hours! I am convinced I have remained injury free because of the lack of stress in my life.   Now I run because I know it's good for me and I enjoy a little peace and quite in my day.
My divorce was final March 1st, started dating AFTER it was final, some dates good, some not so good.  Some turned into great friendships, others I may never talk to again......
Nearly a year since my world was turned upside down, I would say I am in a relationship!  A healthy wonderful, supportive relationship. It feels good, life feels balanced, and hopeful!
A little Sunday morning brownie baking

Luke's insanely large burrito at SOUTH

1 comment:

The Hunter Family said...

No after pic of Luke's accomplishment eating the baby sized burrito?!