Monday, January 19, 2015

Food For Thought

Ok before you read this article, understand I do realize I am a divorced Mom.  I do think my kids are fairly well adjusted, and quite honestly I am personally better off now.  That being said I agree whole heartedly with this article.  Here in Wenatchee it almost feels epidemic the rate of divorce.  I can't quote exact statistics, but if I were to name ten people I know that are divorced, 9 out 10 ended because of extra marital affairs, or even emotional affairs. 

It's been four years since my Ex husband left.  He is no exception to the 9 out of 10. From my kids and my own experience in this, he really has missed a good chunk of their childhood. I could go onto list the countless programs, events, birthdays and holidays he's missed, but just trust me when I say he's missed out. * I will note (also to his benefit) after four years he really is trying now to connect and be involved.

Divorce is hard and sometimes inevitable.  I just wish more people would put an effort into trying to fix and heal what is wrong, in the end if divorce is the answer well then at least you go into the next phase knowing you gave it your all, with the realization of what worked and didn't. Just don't use these seven excuses to justify why your marriage didn't work and why you should get divorced.

7 lies of divorcing parents

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