Sunday, March 22, 2015

On Track

I have a couple more years until I reach forty, so coming across this article now seemed fitting.
I don't dread forty. I'm surrounded by some pretty amazing woman in their forties I look up to and admire. My twenties felt chaotic, my thirties thusfar enlightening, if we keep on this trend the next decade should prove to be pretty good.
15 before 40
Here's Margaret's list, with my thoughts and reflections.
Change careers at least once.
Between the ages of 20 and now (37). I have been a barista, high school tennis coach, flight attendant and business owner. I loved all of these jobs, and they all lead me to the conclusion that I would never be suited for a job that would require me to sit at a desk. I've been at the current job for 12 years, so at some point and time there will likely be a change again.
Do something "crazy."
I am working this. When I think of "crazy" I think of taking risks that might not pay off. I'm not a big gambler with my life, or the well being of it. However I have a strong desire to sell everything at one point and move to who knows
Live within our means.
I can say I have done a very good job at this. The only debt I seem to get into is if my business needs a new machine and am forced to fork out the cost of a used car. I don't care to shop, and when I do it's to purchase only what's necessary, I drive a pretty boring yet, paid for and highly functional car, I choose to spend what extra I do have on travel, and even there I am frugal, getting the most for my time and money.
Learn to be comfortable in our own skin.
I hit this point after an all time low 8 years ago. I like who I am. I know what my values, morals and priorities are. I only say yes when I want to and entirely comfortable saying no, now.
Be glamorous.
This is an area I can improve upon. I think because of the previous question I often do not put much effort into my appearance beyond what I like, which is pretty plain, simple and often involves my workout clothes.
Don't worry for my wedding if I don't do boho I will glam it up a bit!
Chase a dream.
Hmmmm, I need to work on the finances for that. It would be to travel the world. In theory I did that once and got paid to do so, perhaps it's time to revaluate and do it again.
The other dream would be to adopt a child, but my fiancé is my dream crusher in that area!
Visit another country.
What better way to gain perspective on who you are and your place in the world than by getting out there and seeing it! (This is Margaret's reply, but I like it and will go with it)
Step out of our comfort zone.
I should do this more often. Being ok doing things on my own. I've realized I alone am responsible for accomplishing what I want. I enjoy traveling and hiking with my kids, but have always done it with my partner, it was unnerving to start doing this on my own, now I love it.
Find a cause.
I've got two years, this will be near the top of my list
Make and live by a "soul mate wish list."
Being married AND divorced, this is am important one. When I think of my list and I think of my fiancé, he is what I want and desire. My list is long, and I've reserved the right to be picky at this point in my life.
Learn not to settle.
I know what I want out of life.
Start over—completely.
I did that, and survived. When my husband walked out, I was forced to reevaluate and start over. I don't wish that upon anyone, but it taught me some of the greatest lessons in my life.
Love with complete abandon.
I remember my first love in life telling me several years later, that I held back. He never knew what I thought or felt. I took this to heart and have worked for almost the last two decades on putting myself out there. Opening my heart, with the possibility of getting hurt, but realizing it is so much rewarding to experience a full true authentic love than one that is a facade.
Tell someone exactly how you feel.
Sometimes to a fault......
Write your story…a story. Just write!
Women our age have amazing stories to tell about life and love and all of our amazing experiences. Write it down. (Again this is Margaret's, but I agree)!
As woman I think we can benefit and learn from the stories of others. Lord knows that's what has carried me through the hard time, and truly inspired me in the good times.

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