Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Kauai for the Win (or wedding)

During Christmas we set a date (October 1st), a venue (my friends beautiful barn), and even attended a bridal show. We tossed around catering ideas, came up a quick list of people, that grew to the point of an anxiety attack....for me.

This weekend we scrapped it and went with what felt right for us, Kauai (after all I did get engaged there almost two years ago) It makes perfect sense and puts us at ease. Ricks been coming to Kauai for years because his Mom spends 3-4 weeks a year there. I ventured there for the first time with Lo in 2011and have been back each year. Last year after spending about 6 months browsing the resale market for timeshares we bought one at the same complex Ricks mom stays. We had already booked our week there for this summer when the kids can go, Ricks mom booked a week for that time as well and we had already invited my parents so after a long talk and really going through the big wedding logistics and cost, this not only fit our budget better but actually got us excited.

Truthfully a big wedding was never for either of us. The thought of walking in front of that many people and talking, terrifies me. Not my thing. As we started to talk about logistics and how much time we would actually be able to spend with all our lovely guest, we couldn't help but worry about not giving enough of our time to everyone.

Planning is also neither of our fortes (why we are buying a house rather than building), every decision we were starting to have to make, we couldn't actually make a decision. Now we are turning it over to a wedding planner, and showing up!


kristen said...

Congratulations! That will be perfect! If I could go back in time, I would marry in the exact same way. In Hawaii, with just my loved ones there. :)

Katie Rice said...

Congratulations Jenni!! That sounds like the perfect solution for everyone involved. And talk about a stunning backdrop! What town is your timeshare in? That's my favorite place to vacation :-)

Jenni said...

Thanks Ladies! Katie it's Koloa, just south of Poipu! I love it.....ok all the Hawaiian islands, but Kauai has become one of my favorites!