Saturday, January 2, 2016


We bid 2015 a fond farewell. It's been a good year.

My goal in life is simple, to spend as much time in the company of those I love. Be satisfied with each and everyday lived. 2015 was all that and some.

After the crap I went through in 2009/2010 with my Ex and my friend (at the time), I can't adequately explain what all this does to your well being, both physically and mentally. It takes a long time to fully recover. 2015 was to be that year for me. My mind is happy and calm, I have solid relationships in my life, the utmost appreciation for exactly where I am right now. Truthfully all that "crap", has made me a much better person.

I sold my house this summer, and after 4 years with Rick we moved in together. A transition I was a little worried about. After being on my own it was scary to think I could lose myself again. However, I'm with a man that I love very much, and know he loves me. This transition has been amazingly good for me and even better for my daughter. I am so happy to be in a family environment with her again. I love our life together. Having only one child home now is really quite fun. We miss my son, and he'll be back living with us in the new house, but he's an adult. He goes to college, works, pays for his things, sets his schedule. I'm responsible for only one child's schedule anymore. Our house is quiet, and I love it. I love our dinners at the table with cocktails and conversation. Evenings on the couch watching movies, it's bliss.

I use this term loosely, but have formed a new "friendship" with my ex. It's nice that he's honest about who he is and what he's done. I appreciate that and can move on. We've had a great year together in terms of co parenting, even being able to spend Christmas morning all of us together.

I no longer engage with those I don't want to. There are people I will never allow back in my life and I've made peace with that. Where as before I would try to make some sort of understanding for them, feeling compelled to answer their messages, I don't anymore. At the same time I reconnected with some wonderful people I went to school with, and can't help but feel grateful for that.

I've started practicing yoga. In large part because of the Costa Rican retreat I signed up for. I had absolutely no idea how good this practice would be for me. My goal for 2016 is to continue with this practice, better my own practice and be there at least twice a week. I love the combination of mind and body. I leave yoga, with an excitement for life.

Our holidays were spent home, I took off quite a few days and it was lovely. We are having the best winter in years. Providing plenty of snow, lots of skate skiing and snowshoeing!

Sad to say good bye to 2015, but will welcome the chance to make a great 2016





Oh and we finally set a "date" for the wedding in 2016! Stay tuned.....



kathleen c said...

Jenni, I admire you for your effort and your adventures in life. Happy to hear that things are better with Lars - goodness knows it is challenging co-parenting even when you're not one of the "biological" parents. One day, we will skate ski together... :)

Jenni said...

Thanks Kc! I would love that!🎿