Sunday, April 3, 2016


It's ended up being the year of one on one vacations. Not intentially, but it worked out quite nice. By last June I knew my son and I would be heading to Iceland in November, and I had already paid for my Costa Rican yoga retreat with friends for February 2016, in Septemebr of last year I was itching to get to NYC for a long weekend, so Lo and I went in October. I got one of those timeshare deals in the mail for the 5 nights 6 days to Maui, room, car and resort credit for $599 (my miles card for my business is Hawaiin Air, so flying to Hawaii doesn't cost anything) seemed like a fun extended weekend for Rick and I last week.

Keep in mind each trip I offer the entire family to come along, however the scheduling logistics for my kids now that one child is in college, to travel together is near impossible unless I travel peak travel in the summer, personally I like home in the summer and I don't like the crowds or cost of peak travel. I can talk Rick into getting on a plane once, maybe twice a year. It's not his thing, everyone else has more of a problem with this than I do. I'm ok with it. I'm not going to stop traveling because he doesn't want to go with me, just like I'm not going to insist he goes. I prefer long weekend or 5-6 day trips. Any longer is a lot of work to arrange for work, I have payroll to do twice a month, bills and rent to pay on time, everything has to be scheduled around that, plus short trips are cheaper, I can go on more trips for less time!

I loved all of these trips this past year equally. Each was a unique experience to spend one on one quality time with the ones I love. Each vacation was catered to exactly what we wanted to do, instead of comprising for the group.

Our time in Maui we spent hiking a lot. It's something we both love and my kids will do it, but certainly would not want to do it each day of vacation. We ate great and explored different parts of the island I had never even seen.






1 comment:

Kristen said...

I always love hearing how other people work vacations into their schedules and budgets. Thanks for sharing it here. Good for you for always traveling, even without your Rick and your kiddos :)