Friday, October 10, 2014


I CRAVE the simple life. I desire very little. My aspirations are not so high I would compromise my time. Fancy cars, big tv's, overpriced clothing, I do not desire. My life is simple. I work just enough to pay the bills, feed and clothes my kids, and travel. My time is what is valuable, and spending and sharing it with those I love is how I want to use it.
I want to see as many sunrises as I can.
There is something so rewarding in watching the sun come up, seeing the start of each new day and being grateful for it.
I want to make time for those perfect fall afternoons when my little people are in school, to be on my bike, riding through the orchards and smelling the different seasons.
Most of all I want to surround myself with good people. My kids, family, Love, and friends. It may be simple but this life of mine is quality.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Awesome, and so well said!