Friday, October 3, 2014

When They Go

There are people that come into your life quietly.  You can't quite pin point the moment you met them, but you also can't remember when you didn't know them.  These people are the true blessings in life.  They require no fanfare,  they are happy being and doing their thing that they do with out recognition.   
I have a friend like that, she's a bit of everything.  Not a friend in the conventional sense of one that's close in age.  She's been my neighbor at the hospital for almost as long as I have been there.  She's been there through some pretty big changes in my life, she has watched my daughter grow and been somewhat of a surrogate grandmother figure to her, and we are about to lose her.  It breaks my heart, because selfishly I am not ready for her to go.  I like her, and I will miss her. 
I know death is inevitable, but it is never easy.  Working at the hospital I see it daily in the faces of those about to lose their loved ones, I admire those that volunteer for hospice and are filled with grace and compassion. 
My friend has done a dance around death for years.  She has fought (always with grace and dignity), and I believe she has always won.  There's not another like her.  Sometimes we just assume (or want to) these people will always be there.  I've perhaps been in denial, but the alternative hurts just a little too much.  I want to believe I will get to discuss my wedding with her,  but more importantly I want her to know I will miss her, I will miss our morning chats, and my day won't quite be the same without her.  My world was enhanced with her presence in it.....

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