Monday, February 2, 2015


I'm here again. I know it seems like a lot these last few months, it is, and I'm feeling it too. Doesn't mean however at 6 am on a Monday after a sleepless night, I don't enjoy my quiet time on the lanai blogging or reading. I do. At this very moment I'm actually waiting for the sun to join me in waking up, so I can run.
We are here in Kauai, but for an occasion this time. It's Ricks Mom's 75th birthday so all the siblings and spouses are here. Plus I brought my constant and one of my favorite travel companions.
Vacation is different for everyone. For me it is to bring a little peace to my life, and have some quiet time with those I love (with the exception of NYC, it's not quiet, but still it's peace and love).
I don't want the resort, fancy drinks and all you can eat. My day to day life is so scheduled, I crave no planning, no times constraints. Getting up when we want, having time to run, read, for Pete's sake even shower (a sometimes luxury at home)! Cook healthy foods in the condo and get dressed at leisure. A week of that centers me again, makes the craziness of my life doable again.
Back home in Wenatchee we've been stuck in an inversion for several weeks, no sun. Everyone kept telling me to get up high. I'd love to, but from the time we got back from Costa Rica, to now I was working Monday-Saturday, with my daughters activities in the afternoons, I was lucky to get a dreary run in on the canal. That's the other misconceptions about self employment, we can go whenever. While that is somewhat true, I own a coffee stand, not exactly a big money maker. I pay myself by the week and how many days I put in, but I largely rely on tips for my families day to day expenses. When I'm not there I don't get paid, and I definitely don't make tips. In order to offset that a bit, I pick up extra days prior and after. Don't get me wrong, I am certainly not complaining. I love this life and the flexibility it offers in that way. It's just not the way some might think.
So cheers to a week of centering, calm, fresh air and the sea!
My view from the first day run
A staple here in Kauai , the chickens. Although I see less and less of them on each visit. A little worried about the little guys!


Kristen said...

Ahhh, enjoy, enjoy! You deserve it! Awesome pics, too! :)

Katie Rice said...

We're headed there in April with the girls! We can't wait to get away for a week to the sunshine. It's the only thing keeping me motivated! Have a great time and let us know any secret Kauai tips you have!

Jenni said...

Kristen thank you!, Katie you guys will have SO much fun, I love Hawaii with the kids. The perfect excuse to play in the ocean all day!!