Tuesday, December 23, 2008

day 3 no luggage

I'll make this quick. We're on day 3 with no luggage and they're really not sure where it is. Here's the thing thus far I've been fine with it..I consider myself somewhat of a minimalist. In our carry on we had A t shirt, flip flops, and sleepwear..mine fortunately being yoga caipris that are now what I wear daily! I will say its getting old.
After not being able to get a hold of baggage claim in Honolulu or Seattle Lars went to the airport. Currently trying to track it, but here is the bright light they offered ( I love Hawaiian Air) they will reimburse us up $30 per person per day.....so looks like I will be making a trip to Old Navy tomorrow to get some shorts. Not what I want to do on vacation, but it could be worse...we could still be stuck in Seattle.
On the bright side since I haven't had my running clothes, I've been swimming laps in the ocean...its not pretty but I'm getting better!

1 comment:

The Hunter Family said...

I can't belive you guys don't have your luggage. Will Hawaiian pay you guys $30 for each day (including the first couple days you were luggageless). That's the beauty of Hawaii, you can easy be a minimalist there - swim suit, flip flip and shorts is all you need. It's snowing here again today and I just saw on the news that the airport is a mess again...

Let us know if there is anything we can do up here to help track down the luggage. We'll be around until the afternoon today.