Friday, June 3, 2011


Oh and I am giving Vegan+fish a two week trial run.  Most of you know I have been pescatarian (vegetarian + fish) for the last 11 years.  This year I have contemplated making the switch to a vegan diet.  All it took was my good friend and fellow pescatarian to suggest we try it, to ensure we don't fail we gave ourselves a two week trial run.  I will say it is easier than I thought, my goal is to be as close to a raw vegan as possible.  What this has done these last few days is be mindful and conscience of what I eat.  I made the most delicious salad the other night, spinach, quinoa, mango, red onion, and some pineapple salsa.  It was bursting with flavor!  Also my employee (which I did not know this) has recently turned vegan and turned me on to this fabulous website veggie-wedgie .

Oh and I re read my last post.  There sure was a lot of mention of L (I've taken to calling him abbreviations....L is a safe one on here, some aren't so nice).  Lets just say in the last couple weeks I have seen some true colors of this man, always knew these character flaws were there, but chose to ignore them.  It's good to have clarity.  That being said, it's no longer my problem and I can just sit back and enjoy the parts of L I choose to, the other parts....well they can be someone else's problem.


Becky said...

Can't wait to hear how the trial run goes, and I love the new picture! Did you just happen upon that or did you stack all those rocks? It's very cool!

Jenni said... take time to stack When I was in Boulder a fella was doing that in the creek!