Sunday, March 18, 2012

workout 3/12-3/18

Monday 12th - 4.15 mile run

Tuesday 13th - 2.5 hours on CX bike (Eagle Rock, Du hill, Horse Lake, Skyline and wind), 1 hour Track workout....wind

Wednesday 14th - REST

Thursday 15th - 1 Hour CX bike, 20 minute run, 20 minute arms/core

Friday 16th - 2 hour 15 minutes CX bike Cashmere

Saturday 17th - 2 hours 50 minute CX gravel road Ephrata

Sunday 18th - 3 hour CX  ride Pinnacles

*When I am keeping a journal of workouts I sometimes take notes on the way I am feeling.  It has been a windy week, typical of spring riding around here.  But goodness after Tuesday's ride then track workout I was beat.  My quads were super tired on Thursday and Friday's ride.  I can't say I have ever trained this hard on my bike (let alone my cross bike) this early in the season.  My windows of time between work and when the kids get out of school are totally occupied on the bike.  By Friday, I really just wanted to jump back in the pool,  or get on my TT , but I am 2 weeks away from possibly the hardest race/ride I will ever do and this and next weeks mileage and hours on the bike count.  Saturday I had a break through.  Rick and I drove out to Ephrata and rode the first half of the course.  I have been specifically making myself ride things that are beyond my comfort zone in preparation for this course.  I am happy to say,  I have a peace of mind now.  It was long, and hard (riding on gravel/mud roads your watts are higher), but do able!  By Sunday I took off with a dear friend that I haven't been able to ride with in a while and thoroughly enjoyed 3 hours of riding and catching up with her.....bottom line is, I am able bodied and healthy.  I am grateful for the opportunity to push my body and ability to it's limits, I CAN do this!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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