Friday, August 9, 2013

New Chapters

I've debated this post, but you've all followed so much of this journey, this is yet another part of life raising kids in a divorced household.  Earlier this week my ex's girlfriend posted on Facebook (therefore it's no secret) they were moving into together.  I was sent several texts and pictures of the post throughout the day from people wondering if I knew, my ex did in fact give me the courtesy to let me know last Friday, and I appreciate that.
I'm a bit indifferent to it, which I think is a good thing.  I'm not happy nor sad, but more practical.  I'm glad I feel this way, perhaps even a bit surprised.
My relationship with my ex is a co-parenting relationship, keeping it that way we get along well.  I have no relationship with his girlfriend,  I don't have to co parent with her, just my ex and that works.  My interest in all of this purely for my children.  My kids will be at their house the same as they were before, every other weekend and one night a week.  Lo is super excited about having her own room and space when she visits.  Right now my ex's apartment is a bit cramped for them.  As for my son, he is so chill and handles things so well.  For the last year when he'd go to his dad's he'd just make plans to be out with his friends, in their new rental I've been assured he has his  own space as well.  I also see this benefitting my children financially.  Finances have been tight on my ex's side for some time, having two incomes in one household should ease things, which again is a good thing for my children.
 I was reminded this week by a friend, I am the main influence in my children's life.  Time spent with their Dad and his girlfriend is minimal, in fact there are only two days a month I don't see them, so as long as they are safe and happy while at their home all is good in my world.  I worry a bit about Lo finding her special place in her dad's life.  Her role always seems to be that of a caretaker/playmate to the two little girls.  She is very good at this, and majority of the time enjoys this,  but as the mom to this very special girl, I want everyone to know her as an individual, let her blossom and be a child, and do the things 11 year old girls want to do.  She's a smart cookie, I know she will handle it all the best.  Plus at my house she gets to be my favorite girl in the whole wide world! Pretty sure she'll be just fine!
Do I feel any pressure to move in with Rick....nope.  He is patient.  I still want to be the steady for my kids.  They've gone through enough changes that I want  one place to remain a constant, my home.    It's the three of us, they get to be exactly who they are whenever they want.  I don't think either kids would have a problem moving into Ricks, in fact Lo has already staked out which room would be hers, but with my son only have two more years of high school, I just don't know that now's the right time.  I am very close with both of my kids, but my son and I have basically grown up together.  It was he and I in the beginning.  I want him to always be as comfortable with me as he is now.  I worry  that if we left "our" home, he wouldn't feel it was entirely his to do and be as he pleased, which is very important to me.  So for now I am staying put.  I am financially secure on my own.  Something I am very proud of and enjoying my independence more than I thought.  I would still love to downsize.  I feel like living in a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom house for the 3 of us is FAR too big.  So I continue to get my house ready to sell in the event something in this neighborhood and smaller comes on the market.  Continue to embrace raising my kids the way I want to raise them.  Enjoying my small bits of alone time, and enjoying my snails pace of moving forward.  I didn't get to take my time the first time around, and this time I do.  I want to be sure to take it all in and savor each moment!  Cheers to new chapters!

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