Saturday, September 28, 2013


I made it out for that three hour run. I'm not training for anything...yet, but I had all my work done by Friday, cleaned my house and did laundry all on Friday. The kids are at their Dads for a visit this weekend so to treat myself I wanted to challenge myself to see if I could still run that long. There's something very therapeutic to setting out and getting in a zone mentally. When you don't think about how far you are going or how long it's been. You settle into a comfortable physical rhythm (nothing fast) and just simply enjoy the peace that you get to experience. My mind thinks of things I'm normally too distracted to think through. I purposely run alone on these long runs. I love short runs with friends, but these long runs are a treat to me. I am glad I'm in a relationship with someone of a like mind, that supports and understands this, because he does it himself.  To be in a supportive environment, all things are possible.
When I came home I was cold and wet, my legs were jello and my hips sore, so I gave myself ANOTHER reward for doing it. I packed up my book, put on sweats, compression socks and took off to spend the rest of the day lounging on my boyfriends couch!
As I've mentioned before a Kaiser can't run the long runs anymore with me. Along with being alone in my thoughts on a run, my other favorite thing is running with him. I can't explain it, but if you've ever had a dog that you can go anywhere with and it just feels right (safe), then you know what I am talking about. To include him, I typically will run in town the first part, so today the first 2 hours then I go home get him and we head to the trails. Finishing on the trails is (pardon my language) an ass kicker, but it's also mine and his favorite place to be. Cheers to the rewards we give ourselves, whatever they may be!

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