Saturday, August 2, 2014

Quiet Time

This is one of those VERY rare days in which I am alone all day and night. Granted I love my little and big people around all the time. As a single working Mama my summers starts to feel rushed and chaotic. I'm constantly in need of sleep. I work early so I am off before noon to be with the kids, so my summertime workouts get bumped up to 4:30 (when the sun was coming up this wasn't so bad, now it's dark and it kind of sucks), my house is typically messed up by the time I get home, and it's time to think about making lunch and what activity we shall do to maximize the most of our summer days. I love all of this, but I have been gone every weekend since the last weekend in June, and quite honestly my "shit to do list" is piling up. I need to pay bills, wash linens (I have no idea when my sons were last washed), get our yard sale goods out and marked (for next weekend), sweep the dirty patio, finish at least six paint jobs around the house, buy electric covers, get the cat cat food, clean out expired food in the fridge, open mail.....get where I am at with all this? All day to day tasks that I can't seem to get to during the week. Between raising my kids and trying to fit in time with my fiancé (remember I've mentioned what a patient man he is). I'll reiterate as a divorced mom I truly feel lucky with the amount of time I am with my kids. I love them so very much, and really love putting everything aside (hence the mess) to take it all in with them. There are only two days a month I don't see them, and I'm still always a little sad when they head out on those Friday nights every other weekend, but it has been very nice today, to have this day to myself (Ricks backpacking the Enchantments, hopefully not getting rained on), with the exception of one meeting for Lo's elite dance team, it has been me alone (well semi alone, three dogs, two rats and a cat....all currently in the same room with me now).
I semi slept in, I made breakfast, I drank coffee at a leisurely pace. I got loads and loads, of laundry done, my house vacumed, mail read, bills organized for tomorrow, closets cleaned out (that was nice). Now I am taking the evening to enjoy some me time. Heated up a delicious leftover sockeye salmon and asparagus for dinner (no having to cook), reading the end of my book club book Wild, after that I have plans to pop popcorn and watch Beaches, which I bought six months ago and haven't got to. Or simply go to bed......

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