Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Unspectacular Spectacular

Some weekends go like that. Sitting fresh out of the shower in a clean house, grass mowed and back tired from a full day of house work.....feels good.
It had been six weeks since my kids had spent a weekend at their Dads, while I've loved every minute, being the solo full time parent meant utter neglect of my house, and I didn't even realize it. Not to mention how tired I've been. To fit anything extra like running in, I'd do it first thing on the weekend mornings so I could be home before my little miss wakes up. Sure she's old enough to be home alone, but she and I love our weekend mornings together. Big breakfasts and lots of coffee.
Of course I missed my kids this weekend, but it was wonderful to spend an evening with my man at our neighbors watching a movie in the driveway, sleeping in and going for a long ride, vedging on his over sized couch catching up on People magazine. Today he was out on an all day ride with his friends, just me and my house. I loved it. I cleaned my garage, mowed my lawn, pulled weeds, did laundry, vacumed, it honestly felt like the most spectacular day!
Rick only stays when the kids are away, as you can see Ann loves it
I've lived here now four years on my own, I love it. I had no idea how great my independence could be, how much I would come to love my house. How much I would gain from this. In a year (or less) I will be giving a bit of this up again. I am excited to start my life with Rick but, part of me weeps a little at leaving this. Yet I'd like to think this has been good, I will never again be so dependant on someone I am in fear of being alone, I get to bring this new me to mine and Ricks new life, it's a better me.
My ex is getting ready to move again.  There was a time I was envious he could just pack up an start over with no ties to a home and responsibilities. If you had asked me ten years ago I would've said I was the one always with one foot out the door, ready to try a new adventure or experience something, anything new, and he was the one wanting to be in one place. The reality is I've live in 2.5 homes (.5 counting my crash pad in SF) in the last 15 years, this is who I am and I like it.  I like making a home and settling in, it's taken me until now to realize this. So not exciting or spectacular, but yet so wonderful to me. Cheers, to doing what makes us truly happy, the big and the little things!


Katie Rice said...

Living on my own is one of the most important things I've learned in life and I too am little sad to think of giving it up someday soon. Good luck on your new adventure!

Jenni said...

Katie I had no idea how important it would be! Thank you!