Saturday, November 29, 2014

Day 2-3

Had every intention of writing a great blog post, but by 8pm I am exhausted. Bear with me, I will summarize and hope to get enough detail. First let me start by saying if you ever see the deals that fly around for the winter escapes to Iceland, DO IT! Ours was something like $625 per person, that included air, room and last nights tour to Fontana the thermal spa and baths, a lovely Icelandic dinner and attempt at the Northern lights. Well worth this experience, so much so my son and I may do it again next year.
Last nights baths were amazing, we did attemp the sauna, but the sulfur smell (or rotten egg smell) combined with it was 59 degrees Celsius ran us out in about 15 seconds. Food has been a little difficult. Shark is offered on every menu, the problem is every time I've gotten something with fish it's pickled, and have come to the conclusion that's not my thing. Basically we've been a little hungry, until last night. With our package came dinner, Luke had a ton of traditional meatballs and said they were amazing, and for the vegetarian there were delicious sweet potatoes, beets, couscous and fruit, wonderful!!
Today was again another treat. We took a tour that took us to Pingvellir Natinal Park (where the North American and Eurasian plates meet), Geysir, and Gullfoss. All incredible wonders that left me wanting and seeing more.
I have truly missed international travel. I can't adequately explain what this has done for my mind and spirit, but it's good!

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