Saturday, June 18, 2011


Three years ago my friend Ivy enlightened me on the Issaquah Highlands Yard sale.  It's a very large neighborhood in Issaquah that once a year has their yard sale.  Some years there are a ton of houses participating, others not so much.  The thing is each year the stuff you find is random.  Last year my sister was pregnant and I went with 2 car loads of friends and it was a jackpot for anyone expecting.  I stocked my mom's house for the up coming grandchild.  This year I found wine racks, clothes for Logan and other odds and ends. 
So this was my 3rd year going, I missed going with the girls the night before, because I have the wee ones this weekend, but it actually worked out great.  My sister and Logan have both been dying to off to the west side we went at 6:30 this morning!
On our way!  Du's car prepared with the rocket box...sorry about the pic with the eyes closed, Du!

A little rain won't stop us!

Wet and tired we carried on to our next stop

A little IKEA fuel couldn't hurt

Our final stop!

1 comment:

The Hunter Family said...

So much fun! Already can't wait until next year. Lo's face in that pic in the rain is priceless. funny about the closed eyes...