Sunday, February 9, 2014

And the Celebrations Continue

I have so many photos I want to share from Kauai, but haven't sat down long enough to move them onto my external hard drive. This weekend was about celebrating. Got to share a toast with my lovely friends and sister. These girls have been through the good, not so good, bad, and all the way back up again with me, that is friendship. We laughed and shared a few tears. These woman are the real deal, genuinely happy for both Rick and I, and I love them for all they are too me, as well as their love for Rick!
This girl turns 12 on Wednesday, her "golden" birthday (thanks Rick for letting her know this), so of course it had to be a special party. Plenty of pampering for her and her friends, pedicures, manicures, food and movies, she loved it. I was exhausted, but to give her this one day she dreams up in her head and make her feel so special, so worth it!
Today got to spend a few miles out snowshoeing with him. I missed this kid (he opted out of Hawaii)! We are both similar in the sense that we'd much prefer and really enjoy being outside (however he is 16 so it takes that initial you need to get out of bed before noon thing first)! Loved catching up with him, free of distractions (his phone)!

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