Sunday, March 9, 2014

Moving Forward

Well the next step (after a giant yard sale) to starting our life with Rick is moving in together. Lucky him, he and Maddi (his dog), get to combined with two kids, two dogs, two rats, a cat and myself, have I ever mentioned what a patient man he is?!?!
This may be easier said than done. I pride myself on not putting too much attachment onto material items. My house one of them, I've always liked the idea of being free to move on.
I always envisioned myself downsizing and moving into a very cute little bungalow, but as Rick and I talk, and figure out what we want in a home this will not be the case. We are at that point in our lives where we want to think about our forever home. Rick's 45 and it's important to be able to retire early and have no house payments, I am (much younger j/j) 36 but with an almost adult child, so I too am looking forward to our later adult years together. For me I want a place my children always feel at home, one that in ten years from now they will bring their families to, and our grandchildren will stay with us. Where we can have Ricks family up for holidays and have plenty of room. There's also our realistic side, we are both active people with a lot of gear. We want a space for all our bikes, AND an indoor space where Rick can work on them. We want separation of space, so my son and his buddies can continue to hang at our house playing ping pong and watching tv alone.
We're meeting a realtor tomorrow to go through both of our houses and help us start getting an idea.
The thing is, as I get ready to do this, I find myself realizing how attached I am to my home. The first two years following the divorce I really just wanted to sell it and create my own space. But that's what I have done with my home. I have been here almost 6 years and my ex only lived here for two of the years. I have remodeled, painted, sold and bought stuff. It feels very much like me. I love this old home. At time it's frustrating when all the little things go wrong, but I've been here long enough I feel comfortable taking care of it. It's the place I feel that has been the biggest part of my kids life, the place they will always remember and hopefully love. So yeah, I get a little weepy with the thought of selling.
I am completely in love with Lo's room, she has the coolest closets you can't see in this picture, but you have to walk through a closet to actually get to her room.
We are heading out to look at a house I am pretty sure I will fall in love with in a few minutes, but yikes. I'm pretty sure I forgot to plan for meeting the love of my life and moving in together when I envisioned my future. Cheers to new beginnings!

*A little update on the house we looked at.  It was a very nice house, with a lot pros, but I have to say the pictures that were online made the house look better than it was.  It was a great first house to look at, but not our forever home.  It made me very excited to think of creating a home with Rick, but I was also very happy when I returned to my home!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

What an exciting step! You'll have to document your house hunt here! We are looking too - trying to take our time, hoping it'll be our last house as well :)