Thursday, March 27, 2014

That Little Ache

I've kind of been ignoring the fact that it's Spring break and I'm going to have to part with my kids for 3 full days. Knowing this, my evening was dedicated to my kids, we ate, hung out, looked at old pictures, chatted and watched tv. They are mine, and I am used to having them to myself, not that I don't want to share them with Rick but as we start to create a life together, I still find myself cherishing our alone times too. He is the most gracious man to allow us that. I know he too will miss them, especially Lo, the two of them have a pretty special relationship, but he gives us time and space. Makes me love him all the more that he gets it!
I tried to tell myself leadng up to this little separation, that it's getting easier. It's still sucks, and I still miss them. They change so fast, I love experiencing it all. My son will likely take the chance to sleep a lot (pretty typical for his breaks), but it gets harder to watch my daughter go. As she gets older things that were once fun for her there aren't as much now, simply because she's growing and maturing. I get it because I see it everyday, but it hurts my heart that she could be the one slightly out of place. As a mom I just want everyone that comes into contact with them to realize and know how special they are. To make them feel loved and wanted at all times. This break is not as hard as the week at Christmas, but not having my snuggle bug for three full days is a longtime for this mom.

I have plenty to do. We leave the for NYC the day after the kids get back so I truly do have plenty to do getting my house and the business ready so we can fly out the next morning.
I'm excited my kids have to trip to look forward to, that they will be counting days down until we hop on a plane. I know it will all go fast, but at night on the Eve of saying good bye for a few days there's that familiar ache.....
This shot was from right before Tuesdays track workout. Lo's been bringing a friend and I caught them running before. So cute.

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