Thursday, January 26, 2012

Home Sweet Home

So much to tell, but can't quite put it all into words.  Nor do I want to bore you with all the details.  But a little of my Hawaii history for you.  I have been coming once (sometimes twice) a year to the islands for the last 15 years...with one or both kids, every time.  Leaving I was both excited and nervous.  Excited to spend time some alone time in Hawaii with this amazing man.  Nervous, not that my kids wouldn't be taken care of (my sis was all over that), but how I would do without them. 
I have been taking baby steps, with long weekend get aways, but this was 8, yes 8 days.  A friend pointed out before I left, they are almost 10 and 15, it's time.  I don't know.....

Summary of the trip:   I had an amazing time.  The first full day was really hard,  next couple days it came in waves.  Monday I was missing them like crazy in the morning, wishing so much they were there.  But here's where something really great happened.  I  was there with Rick,  his sister and brother in-law.  Couldn't ask for better people to be there with.  They get it, plus they are a LOT of fun.   I came away from this trip with a deeper understanding and appreciation for Rick.  I love this man, simple as that.  I didn't realize how scared I was to put my trust in someone.  How afraid I was they would see my flaws and weakness and run.  I am with someone that wants to understand, that listens, and when I look in his eyes I know he is sincere.

I'm not really sure when I lost that.  And it no longer matters, I am grateful to have the opportunity to feel fulfilled.  I am enjoying this whole process, and being able to apply what I've learned from the past to this relationship.  To feel content, calm, secure and loved.  This is life, and this week in Maui was part of that journey.

A bit of this reflecting came from a message I received while on vacation.  I was glad to be in Maui and have time to take it in, to think about how I feel.  I won't go into what it said, but it  gave me a sense of peace, that I am no longer in my previous relationship.  The distrust I felt was well within reason.   It gave me peace, that I have the opportunity to experience a deeper love.  Yes at peace is what I feel.   All this from a week of vacation!

We did come away saying, while we will continue to go on trips without the kids, next time we are bringing them back to the Islands!

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Thank you Rick for finding the BEST sign.  Seriously this was on the walking beach path in Wailea.

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