Sunday, June 17, 2012

Here's to my Dad!

I snatched this from my friend Jane's Facebook page.  I think it sums up my Dad!

A Father's Love: A father is respected because he gives his children leadership... appreciated because he gives his children care... valued because he gives his children time... loved because he gives his children the one thing they treasure most - himself. Fathers Day 2012

I've always known my Dad loves me, and have  known I could count on him for anything.  But it's taken me 34 years, and dealing with my kids disappointment and inability to count on their own Dad to truly realize how lucky I am.  
These things have made me realize I never felt that way, if anything I took my Dad for granted because he's always there for me.  I forget something, lock myself out, rip the car door off, break a window, need someone to take the kids somewhere, pick up my dogs, you name it,  big or small he comes!
He showed and still shows leadership, he has always taken care of my Mom, Sister and I,  he is selfless and humble with his time,  he has and still does give of himself.  He does things because he care's not because he's asked to.   I couldn't have asked to be raised by a better Dad.  I'm not the only lucky recipient of  his love and dedication, my children are too.  I am so grateful they have him to model after.

I love you Dad and thank you for all you do for us.
He's also a tad camera shy, so I never get good pictures!

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